How to uninstall Adobe Flash Player on macOSįirst, you need to download the uninstaller from Adobe’s official website. Uninstalling Flash Player will help secure your system since Adobe does not intend to issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date.īy default, Flash Player is not installed on Mac, and Apple dropped support Flash in Safari a while ago to prepare for this change. Some users may continue to see reminders from Adobe to uninstall Flash Player from their system. Adobe says:Īdobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems. Since the Flash Player will not be receiving any updates from Adobe, it’s recommended that users uninstall Flash Player from their operating systems as soon as they can.
In just under 2 weeks, Adobe will block all Flash content from working in Flash Player. Adobe drops support for Flash Player advises to uninstall it from Mac and Windows